Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #407, 11 October 2022

Gem City pushes royalties

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 

Today Gem City DAO decided the best Gen Artist should receive more Gems than others, so DAO increased their royalties to 100000% for every sale on the secondary market.

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in! 





- Arbitrum airdrop          


Airdrop from Metaplex and 0% royalties. SOLANA!

Let’s start this day with an airdrop! Metaplex is giving away an airdrop to every crypto head who used Solana. If you suffered from the network dumps and endured humiliation like jokes about Solana minters… whhooa! Now you can claim your airdrop. 

Check it right here  

Now let’s move to royalties. DeGods, a famous NFT collection on Solana, set 0% royalties. Guys want to avoid the headache caused by laws. Btw, DeGods pushes this idea as an “experiment” and promise to support artists. 


PussyDAO: wanna taste this web3 pussy?

Recently we told you what the PussyDAO project is. And now, dear Gem Hunter, you can grab one whitelist! 

What you should do: 

– Follow PussyDAO 

– Follow Moni Talks

– Put ❤️here

– Put “+” inda replies

Today we’ll announce the winner on 15:00 UTC. The Great Random will choose. Let’s go, pussy bois! 

p.s. Share! Tell bout this ruffle to your cats, spouses, and everyone!


Atomic.Green give some NFTs away cause it's a new competition

our amazin frens from Atomic.green announced a new competition. Now you should open a position equivalated to $1000 in WBTC or WETH more  to grab a free NFT! 

What's this NFT utility? Nobody knows...but why not? Let's participate here


Senkusha: talents, NFTs and rollyaties

Is this idea clear to you? Yup? Our Moni Twitter Bot brings 10-20-30 gem projects every day, so now we can relaunch our daily #ApeOrHate rubric covering gems, eh? If you missed our Moni Twitter Bot, check this guide plz.

Let's move to the project. Senkusha is an NFT platform which will let you invest in talent you like. You can choose your favourite early-staged talents like athletes, musicians, bloggers or painters and buy some NFTs belonging to this talent.

Sooner or later, you will get perks for NFTs hold or royalties if your talent got some hype.

The first platform's artist hit sold out in almost 6 ETH. Also, this project is connected to KlimaDAO. So it's worth it to DYOR! 

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Find new 100x projects via @moni_twitter_bot


SEE YOU LATER!            

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