Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #399, 29 September 2022

Gem City will save history!

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 👨‍🎓

Today, the Gem City DAO proposed to punish for the deliberate twisting of history with fines of 1,000 gems. Since the Great Mass Adoption, history can't be rewritten or twisted - it's all stored on the blockchain. Well, that history was after the Great Mass Adopposition, but before that, it was a mess, so there's no punishment for it; nobody knows anything as usual.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to get Gems and News first! And remember...  

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in! 



Depressed Citizens Mint 30 Sept 



- Arbitrum airdrop          


First review of the Moni Twitter Bot 

Moni Twitter Bot is in full swing to help Gem City citizens look for early-stage gem projects: you can already create your lists and follow degens, smarts, funds, projects, and whoever else you want. Follow - dive into an early project - profit, awesome? 

Okay, stop talking; you already know all about the bot. Now here are two pieces of news. News number one. 

Mr  @Need2Sleep left a review on the bot after three days of use:   

"If you've got this bot and your last few brains aren't dead yet, you can easily find some gem before anyone else and get some $$$ at least to pay for a subscription. Unironically not a bad tool."

News number two:    

We're going to start launching people into the bot soon. When? Today.

Look forward to the TG post.  


Symbiosis: The Party & Competition!

Do you know who Symbiosis is? If so, fantastic! If not, check this post. After come back and be ready to dive into the next cross-chain journey. Symbiosis and Rubic launch the game!

So! Do not use crypto willy-nilly. Use it and get some perks, bro! During this week, you should swap via Symbiosis to get a chance to win the $SIS community NFT. This jpeg will let you participate in airdrops. Also, for every choss-chain swap, you’ll get the Rubic + Symbiosis NFT. The most active users will be able to get the rarest NFT that will back a 0% year fee on Rubic. 

Looks noice! DYOR, as always, and more info you’ll find in this document. Good luck! 


Projects that raised dough (Looking for Gems)

Projects keep collecting dough, so...it's not as bad as it may seem. It's not as bad as it looks, but it's not as bad as it seems. Long story short... 

All eyes are on the infographic! 

Hadean - provides the infrastructure for launching and monetizing the metaverses itself.

Humeis a star lab for virtual artists and a social platform for artists.

Kwil is the first decentralized SQL solution for creating dApps and protocols.

DYOR while we're looking for new ones. 


SEE YOU LATER!            

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And download the Moni app :)                                                                                   


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