Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #378, 31 August 2022

Gem City awaits Nitro Pro Ultra Max

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 👾

The Gem City DAO announced today that the Nitro Pro Ultra Max update is almost ready. We only have to wait a couple of hours, and this update will change the life of all L1000-solutions users.

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Symbiosis testnet      



- Arbitrum airdrop 


Pika: DeFi futures with leverage like Vitalik's!

Futures are too dull for you? How about DeFi futures with 50x leverage? And the same liquidity as CEXes have but on DEXes? Ok, let's take a look

Pika is a decentralized indefinite swap exchange. If you suddenly remembered about the 50x leverage and began to go crazy estimating the fees, do not worry. All this happiness works on the Optimism L2 chain, so the fees are OK. Also, they use hybrid oracle for getting an average price from some exchanges like FTX and Binance, and just in case, there is a feature allowing to set for order triggering only if the price is in the set range of slippage.

It is a nice DeFi-platform for fans of futures, with cool features, the accuracy of CEX and similar volumes (btw they promise). It looks good, so DYOR by the link. Also, join Twitter (they told about the $OP airdrop distribution there), Discord and so on.


The NFT collection that was in the digest made x10. Let's read?

Attention! One of the collections we wrote about made x10. From 0.8 ETH to 8 ETH. Which one? Stop by the Digest and read :) 

Also: Eminem and Snoop are now jpegs. DeGods and Y00ts are banned. Interesting NFT collections. Digest is an aesthete!   

Check out the Digest right on the website


Arbitrum NITRO Speed

So how did it goes down? Arbitrum has announced the “Odyssey” challenge. Long story short, it was a list of activities nobody promised anything for, but everyone ran to pass them. Bear market, you know… Gem Lord made two videos in a row about the “Odyssey” event in Russian: the first week, and the second week. Everything was going ok, but…Arbitrum said something like, “ooops sorry guys! we see high fees and high system demand, so forget about everything until we release the Nitro update”.  

So what is the Nitro update?  

Nitro is a big Arbitrum update. It will make fees lower, transactions faster, and devs’ and users’ lifes more beautiful. 

Wen Nitro, sir?

Today, sir! it should be started at 6:30 UTC and be done in 2-4 hours. 

So what, Nitro?

Some users think this update will pump the LP ETH APR on Hop Protocol to double-digits. Some believe this update will make the Arbitrum airdrop closer. Others wait for the Odyssey event. We are waiting for everything in total!   


SEE YOU LATER!                            

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