Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #545, 13 July 2022

The carriage turned into PUMPkin


Hey Moni Maker 🧙

Today, in 1923, the official unveiling of the Hollywood Sign took place. Well, you know how much people love signs, don't you? We've got a movement, and how can it exist without a sign? It can't! Our brains love to put labels on everything, so signs and logos are essential to any movement. Our mouth talks on the logo, talks, talks and never shuts up ... and that's great!

Let’s go! 


Wizards of PUMPkin Streets 

Let's start from afar. Here we have the NFT collection WZRDS or in common parlance "wizards". 10k NFT wizards, the floor they have is 3.1 ETH. But that's not the point... 

Guys apparently too much with the magic, which is sold in the streets in the form of grams, and decided, and why do we do it? And decided to write an ENT, which makes everyone stake their Wizards. If you do not stake wizard, it is burned. 

The fabulous do the same with those NFTs that sell below the floor - they all get f@cking burnt. And how are they burned? They just get sent over here. Holders as we can see 1,431 - that is 1,431 NFTs are just taken and burnt. 

Twitter's swearing, "maybe they'll burn my woman too?!" If you're a holder of that NFT - you can stake it here. 

There you go! Somebody asks Eminem and Snoop Dogg to make a music video to pump their collection and somebody makes rules like this. We don't want to play moralist, bear sparing no one - but you throw in a reaction to the post. See what the community thinks :) 


NOVA updates from Arbitrum

Guys from Arbitrum have rolled out a post saying we are ploughing on and ploughing on a whole Arbitrum Nova. What's this? 

- Arbitrum Nova is built using AnyTrust technology

- It's the counterpart to Arbitrum One, which is the chain that was built using Arbitrum Rollup technology


- And now, there are two chains that together will be able to support almost all use cases 

So, Nova will be the solution for gaming and social apps, but Arbitrum One will be for our DeFi and NFT projects. So-so, everything will be offloaded and scalable  

There is a Fair Launch, so if you are a developer, you are welcome to build at the link


What is this NFT?

Press: CryptoPunks - new version. NFT on...(RIP)PLE?! Interesting collections. Digest is an aesthete!

Read this digest on the website, or right in the Moni App! 



Falling Knife is a trading term for a rapid drop in the price of an asset. Often used in the phrase “Trying to catch a falling knife,” which means the trader is trying to catch the bottom after a sharp drop. Very often speculators get a second bottom as a gift to the first one.

And more you can find in our Glossary!



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