Today, the Gem City DAO started holding flash mobs to celebrate the new bull run. People are taking to the streets of the metaverse and cheerfully shouting about how they don't care about the bear market. According to an ancient tradition - the louder you shout, the faster the bull run will come.
Follow our Telegram and Twitter to make the bull run come tomorrow! And remember...
We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.
Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!
Symbiosis Testnet
We all know about funds, right? But imagine if you could create such a fund that was solely for one trade? STFX is such a DeFi and SocialFi for short-term asset management. STF stands for Single Trade Funds. The trades would be non-custodial and short-term.
In other words. it's kind of like a mini-mini fund. That is, once again: you find some cool smart idea to buy something on a one-off basis. You create a mini-fund on the platform, users invest in this idea and you buy what you offer together. If before, you could share your smart idea in a chat, with STFX you could create a mini-fund, raise money for the deal, close it, and earn money (or get rekt). 1 STF = 1 vault = 1 trade.
The project is still very young, so we advise you to do a thorough DYOR on the link on discord
If you forgot about, check more here. Btw, let's get some info about their 2nd-week contest.
The essence of the guys' second week of the contest is to get the highest rank on the trading leaderboard, based only on the total PNL received on all trades during that week. The steeper you trade, the higher you will be on the leaderboard.
All participants will be able to get NFT, and the leaders will get a special fancy one with perks.
And yes, the guys are extending the second week to July 25. So there's still time, eh.
In any case, DYOR, so crab the Discord link - click click
Press: Azuki is dead? :( Bill Gates versus us. Interesting NFT collections! Digest is an aesthete.
Read this digest on the website, or right in the Moni App!
Gem City, a group of Moni alphas, are back! We got word today from a secret follower. He just slipped a note under the newsroom door with the words "Reports on Discord". But all in order.
- Order #1: What's new?
Moni has an update. You can now update the app and enjoy sharing portfolios from all devices, the NFT section in Total Portfolio, and remarkable changes to the web version.
If you haven't downloaded the app for some reason: iOS / Android
- Order #2: Alpha group on Discord
From now on, exciting reports will be posted on Moni's Discord. Want to check them out? Then you need to head over here
⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And download the Moni app :)