Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #17, 23 November 2021

A token, a drop and two X's


My respects, Moni Maker! 🖼

Piff-Paff! The new NFT digest for gangsters is here. We continue our dive into jpeg... We're already deep....M...

The jpeg is coursing through our veins!  


Market this week


Hoist the sails!

Yoo-hoo, and a bottle of rum! OpenSea is valuing itself at $10b in the upcoming investment round. Just a reminder, my young jpeg collector, recently (in July if I'm not mistaken - check) the marketplace was valued at $1.5b. The guys are definitely on steroids! 

Will there be a retro drop, DAO stuff? I spread the Tarot cards around, and they told me there would be an OS token. This means we're in for a small yacht, or at the very least a scraggly canoe. Let's see!


Wizzard и GM share the value!

Recently we had a great stream with Wizzard and GM, where the guys explained NFT and laid everything out. I like order in the house. Just watch it; you'll have an epiphany. The stream is in Russian, so turn on the subtitles if you're an English-speaking fellow. 


NFT-jpegs and Google

Google's keyword search data shows that interest in NFT has grown to ATH, with traffic outpacing queries related to many of the top ten crypto-assets. ETH, Doge, Solana - nope, we haven't heard. 


NFT buzz

Wolf Game. Thousands of sheep and wolves are competing on a farm in the metaverse. As the saying goes, a fleecy sheep is a sheep for a sheep. Project is good, 100%

JRNY CLUB OFFICIAL. Ты член и любишь членство? https://jrny.club залетай, читай дорогу, делай первый шаг - ты на верном пути, только не споткнись  

Degenerate Trash Pandas. Rubbish pandas on solana will do anything to get rubbish in their grubby paws.



So, what's the drop next week? Come on over to our chat and share the info, please :) 

If you let me down, I'll write about interesting drops myself every week, just don't call me a shiller then!


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