Nothing to say here. Everybody's waiting for Binance to crash right now, but what do we care? We're watching Jpegs...
Suddenly it turned out that NFTs are very popular with Italian artists, pushing their JPEGS paintings for a few tens of ETH. The Italian NFT market is expected to grow at 47.6% yearly to reach $671.4 million in 2022.
Fashion firms, including Dolce & Gabbana, form alliances with NFT platforms and present fashion NFTs: such as clothing, accessories, jewellery and more. Fans, collectors and enthusiasts buy these unique pieces, so sales of these brands are increasing. In short, everyone is happy, especially the artists.
Did you know there's an NFT on XRP? Well, now you do. Since their launch last month, as many as 460,000 have been minted. For example, the DS Private Collection was released the other day, giving access to a private channel, hangouts and charity.
Aptos and Solana are no longer fancy blockchains with jpegs, for the great and terrible XRP are coming. So keep your eyes and ears open if there is a new trend.
VKontakte has launched an NFT service
While Mr Durov is shilling TON, his former brainchild also keeps up with crypto trends and added NFT service. This, of course, is quite interesting because, for VK, it will be a novelty.
VK NFT service will allow users to transfer to their accounts on the platform the digital assets they already have, set on their avatar or a unique showcase in the profile. Shortly, the social network without NFT will look like "Odnoklassniki" from the beginning.
The Legend of CØCKPUNCH™
Taiyo Oil
As you know, nothing appears on Aptos for now. Hm…should we start SUI exploring?
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