Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #46, 21 June 2022

China bans the non-fungible, already banned


Hi OG 🖼

Dreaming of your cafe tent to wash dirty bitcoins? Smart Token Labs is sawing a solution to integrate brands with NFT.

In the meantime, China, instead of attaching jpegs to the crypto yuan, is banning all crypto and NFT-related accounts in the All-China WeChat messaging service, but the cryptos there are so savvy that I don't think they're agitated. 

Ever heard of NFT and Bitcoin together? And it's there, not just there; it even works, and you can listen to it.

jpeg is coursing through your veins!


Market this week



The enterprising Smart Token Labs has rolled out a product that makes the "first time" between business, Web3 and NFT easy and painless. You can plug NFT into your business.

Soon it might be a shame to go into small business without NFT integration and Web3; the new school will laugh you out of your mind. DYOR! 



Chinese messenger-and-all-in-one WeChat prepared the banhammer and began to punish unwanted in the face of users providing services related to crypto and NFT.

In general, the Chinese government has long started to clip the wings of crypto, and they look at NFT like shit. So the Chinese crypto, accustomed to persecution, will be mastering another nanotechnology for the sake of New Digital YO!


Gamma Bitcoin NFT

Now, did you know, did you know, that there are NFTs on the Bitcoin network too? And it turns out there are. There's even a whole platform to do it and enjoy life.

For a general overview you can listen to a podcast with the CEO of this Gamma about the platform and the jpegs on the Bitcoin network.

LonelyPop https://opensea.io/collection/lonelypop

Look how lovely it is; DYOR!

NoShitZone https://opensea.io/collection/noshitzone

Since some of us are here for the art, here is another masterpiece, appreciated by an admiring public. Something fabulously mysterious; I'm not sure if it's a gem, but whatever. DYOR, maybe the tale will have a happy ending, but that's not certain.

Gossamer Seed https://opensea.io/collection/gossamer-seed


looking for alphaWe bring you Alpha info every week on the collection, and you make DYOR. We discuss findings and ideas on our discord. Let's go!     

Art Gobblers https://twitter.com/artgobblers

All Seeing Eye https://twitter.com/AllSeeingEye_Fi

Bubbleworld https://twitter.com/TheBubblewrld


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