Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #801, 04 August 2023

Trait Sniper - watch out!


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today in 1901, Louis Armstrong was born. Ah, our whole life is jazz! However, you must agree the sound of transactions hitting the wallet sounds way more melodious.

Project news: 

– Check your drop from CyberConnect via the link

– BASE activities are listed below in the digest

– LayerZero sent $1m to the Wintermute team. Many are anticipating this will be a retrodrop, but it's more likely payment for other services

– Litecoin has undergone a halving


Deceived again?... Be more careful with Trait Sniper

Here's a post about a project that started distributing tokens for Twitter. Honestly, it's tiring to dig into all of this, so we're just going to throw out some facts:

– Twitter streets suggest the project might be a scam. The scam itself may happen right when the token trading begins, i.e., on August 5th at 12:00 UTC 

– So, be careful with this $TS! Do not click any links and use burn wallets only 


BASE - second round soon? 

BASE does have the potential to showcase something interesting.

– Coinbase announced they are launching Onchain Summer. This gathering will bring together various projects and personalities who will be creating things on BASE. It will last several weeks.

– The official mainnet launch of BASE will be on August 9th

– What can already be done:

- Deposit (and withdraw lol) your ETH into the BASE through the official bridge

- Complete quizzes on galxe and earn NFT

- Complete quests from Layer3 (only the first one for now, more will appear with the start of Onchain Summer)

- Mint an NFT for Onchain Summer

Interesting points:

- BASE tagged a bunch of people in their tweet. There's Coca-Cola, OpenSea, AnotherBlock, and lots of other projects. It should be interesting.

- Why Onchain Summer started in August…


true story 




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