Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #849, 19 October 2023

Is Twitter Leaving Europe? Eh!


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today, in 2011, Alexander Yee and Shigeru Kondo calculated the value of "Pi" with an accuracy of 10 trillion digits after the decimal point. However, calculating the kind of bullsh*t that's happening in crypto right now would even be challenging for them. Everyone was expecting a drop from Aptos - but it fell, we mean, the blockchain fell. Elon Musk might very well block Twitter in Europe to avoid complying with new internet regulations.

What do we call this? Self-blocking?! In any case, a couple of clicks on Google, and we see that discussions about Twitter and Europe have been going on since May 2023, so making this super hot news out of it isn't worth it. Better back to crypto

Food for thought:

- Again, BlackRock, but this time without any fake news. Long story short, BlackRock manages a total of 10 trillion dollars. Do you know how many zeros that is? Here's how many: 10,000,000,000,000. So, Bitcoin's market capitalization is $500 billion (500,000,000,000). Gold, on the other hand, is nearly 13 trillion. What do you think BlackRock will find easier to move funds into: physical gold or Bitcoin? The former involves trains and permissions, while the latter is all about private keys. Think about it

$100,000 per Bitcoin soon. And this isn't just wishful thinking

Project News:

- BSX, one of the 6 investment projects of BASE, has closed its testnet form. We hope you filled it out and will soon receive an invitation

- If you missed the Scroll launch, check out our post. There's a lot to see and explore: click and dive in


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