Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #713, 21 March 2023

Why you have to understand tokenomics?


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today is Poetry Day! That's why you should listen to some crypto poems. They are in Russian, btw just catch the vibe: 

– The CIS region hit. The FOMOBOY song

– The poem about the market

Also, we'll cover the Arbitrum blacklist. Ofc, some activities on the side-chain for Binance apps and the war in DefiLlama.

Let's go! 


Why bother understanding tokenomics?

Yeah, Gem Hunter, we feel you. The idea of finding the next 100000x is sooo tasty. Just invest $100 and forget about these pumps and dumps… 

Yeah. Some will be really lucky in this market. But we won't… 

That's why we should gain knowledge and become more intelligent. So we call you to check the thread about tokenomics we found on Twitter. 

It's a base, not advanced. Btw, refresh the info in da brain. Or get the new one! 

Here is the link. 


Arbitrum rolled out the blacklist 

Twitter streets are calling that analytical platform Dune has shown the Aribtrum blacklist. Yeah, wallets that are not available to get an airdrop. Don't care; nobody stole your freebies. It seems like that's not the official one, and yeah, these wallets were blacklisted a long time before the announcements! Btw, let's check and draw some conclusions. 


– Go here

–  Copy your MetaMask wallet 

– Put it in the "search" field next to "4 889 rows"


BTC is GROWING | DefiLlama is fudding

– DefiLama VS DefiLama: check the story

– Binance lists Arbitrum token

– BTC touches $28k

– Bank collapse forced investors to move 70k bitcoins to self-custody


Crypto Twitter Fun

It's u or we 


AntiMatter B2: Binance will bring some airdrops?

Plz bear in mind you should use a separate MetaMask wallet for such activities! Otherwise, your crypto path could be squished by scammers. We hope you got it, mate. 

The Arbitrum FOMO doesn't let us sleep! That's why we'll focus on 2-3 projects to earn some airdrops; you can't ignore btw activities like this one. Do them at least 1-2 times per 1 round. 

Let's go! 

Add MetaMask network: 

- Name: AntiMatter B2 Testnet

- RPC: http://bastest-rpc.antimatter.finance

- ID: 20221

- Symbol: MATTER

- URL: https://bastest-explorer.antimatter.finance/


- Follow the link

- Get tokens

USE dApp:

B2nft – NFT marketplace

- Follow the link

- Create NFT

- Buy/list/sell

B2Swap – swapping

- Follow the link

- Do some swaps 

- Add/remove luquiduty 

Quanto – a trading platform

- Follow the link

- Use the platform

Antimatter Random

- Follow the link

- Create/participate in lotteries 

Leave your feedback: 

– Use this form for suggestions and your experience; 

– Use this form for bug reports



WHO IS HE????????????

Follow our TG to keep your brain updated! 


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Another Stuff