Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #856, 31 October 2023

Everything you need to know about the $TIA drop from Celestia


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Tonight is the night before "All Saints' Day." In short, Halloween. In our region, it's not particularly celebrated, but why should it be? We can visit any crypto chat and see hundreds of animals, spirits, ghosts, monsters, and others there. We're fine without your Halloweens!

Oh, and by the way, Unibot got hacked - withdraw your cash.

Hm, now to what's on people's minds. Celestia.

Why Celestia token?

- For voting in DAO (clear)

- Support for rollups

- Payment for blobspace

- Network security for PoS

How much will the token cost?

OTC accounts are selling tokens in a range from $2 to $4. In general, the crypto Twitter community seems to lean towards $2.5-$3.

Where will the token be traded?

Check the picture: 


list to buy back? 


true story, zoomers? 


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Another Stuff