Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #543, 12 July 2022

Echoes of the Terra collapse...Polygon sees the future


Hey Moni Maker 🎮

Today is World Chocolate Day! We all feel differently about sweets: some of us can't even make it through the day, and some don't eat them. Chocolate is a matter of interest and leisure, not of survival. But you can't say that about crypto! Bitcoin and co is our only chance to escape CBDC and total state control. So, to paraphrase a famous phrase, you may not like chocolate, but you have to like crypto.

Let’s go! 


I was on my way to Terra

We hope this Terra f@ck-up will be over someday, and marketers, journalists and users will take it apart in schools. Btw, the Terra collapse is two months old, and the news keeps coming and coming... 

This time we learned that at least 48 projects have started to migrate from Terra to Polygon. That's what the CEO of Polygon said. 

Among the migrated projects are OnePlanet NFT, Derby Stars and Lunaverse (LUV). We wonder if guys will make it this time? Although there seems to be nothing to depeg at Polygon yet... :D 


SandBox is doing things again

Well, one of the public's favourite metaverse, aka Sandbox has released the trailer for season 3 alpha (alphaaaa) of its adventures. 

What's in store for us: more maps, more activities and quests 

What's in the trailer: There is a reference to the Rayman game, but what did you see? 

No date yet, waiting for this July. To make sure you don't miss anything, you can subscribe to their Twitter.


Celsius = Ponzi?

Mr Jason Stone from KeyFi has decided to take his former partners from Celsius to court. What the guys are fighting over and what's going on - let's find out right now. 

The main claim is that they have allegedly refused to fulfil the contract, but it's crypto; they're always messing around. Stone calls Celsius a scam, saying that their security is lousy and high bets are secured by purely ponzenomics, and in general, it's a hell, not a company.

All claims and a full explanation of the events by offended KeyFi in the person of Stone can be read on his Twitter, and the court will decide who is a scammer and pyramid swindler.

Check more on the website


Don't sign this crap at Metamask!

The formula is simple: the worse the economic situation - the more crooks - the more crooks - the more people lose their dough. Let's make sure we don't join their ranks, ok? 

There's news sweeping through the telegram bazaars that some group or scammer has launched a bunch of sites, and when you connect to them, you'll see a red text in Metamask like the one in the screenshot. If you sign this shit, all your dough goes into the pocket of a satisfied scammer. 

Stop feeding the scammers! 

So the truth is simple: don't approve the transaction if you see these red letters. Always, always check what you're signing.


Who the hell is Mr PUMP?!

Press: Ethereum gives a fight! Is the market growing? Where to throw the stablecoins? Digest has thrown! 

Let's read on the website, or right via the Moni App! 



Hard fork is a process of big changes in networks' protocol that make previously valid blocks invalid. After a hard fork to continue using the protocol users and nodes have to upgrade to the latest version of the software.

And more you can find in our Glossary!



    ⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And do not forget to download the Moni App :)    


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