Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #778, 22 June 2023

Some delicious projects to DYOR from Gem Hunters' kitchen


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today, in 1889, Germany became the first country in Europe to introduce old-age pensions. Well, for us crypto heads, there's no fund planning to pay us any retirement. So we better roll up our sleeves and get to work.

We'll show you some projects secretly swiped from the Hunter family's kitchen. Also, we'll delve into opBNB. And there's news: 3AC is launching a new fund, the Venom Foundation roadmap, Lybra V2. And, of course, Powell's speech.

Let's go!


Delicious projects from the Hunter family's kitchen

We have a closed alpha group called Gem Hunters. Its target audience is the post-soviet people who speak Russian only, so we do not share any links to it here. But! We thought you were worth getting some valuables, too, so grab these projects to DYOR. As always, they are young and can turn into scams. Be careful, fren.  

GNL Protocol

This project will likely be launched on the GMD launchpad. All projects on this launchpad have been profitable for now, so it's worth watching. The project itself is a protocol for LP with concentrated liquidity on Arbitrum. Take a look, even if it seems complex. Subscribe and stay updated. Moni Discover rates the project with 203 points! Very promising.


They say they've been building this for a year already – it will be top or a flop. No, we think there's a chance it becomes a decent tier-2 collection. Moni Discover gives it 36 points, which is relatively low. Btw, it's just in the beginning. 

Kozmik Bumz

We do not usually trust crypto projects, but these NFT folks promise significant partnerships, and there's even someone from South Park on their team. Leave your email on their website. The artwork is fantastic, and Moni Discover rates it with 71 points. Good!


News, news news

– Venom Foundation showed the roadmap 

– Lybra Finance learn more about V2

– 3AC launches…a NEW FUND!

– The FED needs to regulate stablecoins




opBNB: Testing L2 from Binance!

Please bear in mind it's not a shill, and we have no responsibilities for the project. It's on your own, ok? 

opBNB is a Layer2 solution for BSC on Optimism. We won't delve into the technical details; instead, let's focus on vital aspects such as potential airdrops. An airdrop might be on the horizon, so we can’t ignore it! 

What's up:

- A Layer 2 solution from BSC and Optimism

- Testnet

- Probably airdrop soon

What to do:

- Use the faucets: first, second, and third

 - Follow the link

- Use the bridge 

- Withdraw




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