In about 10 hours, we will get to know the outcome of the U.S. presidential election. This event is currently of global importance because the outcome of the economic situation around the world will depend on the U.S. political course. But one thing we do know for sure is that no matter in which direction U.S. politicians push the market in the short term, Bitcoin (and crypto in general) essentially don't care. We fell numerous times, but we have always stood up, shaken up, and continued on our way to the financial Olympus!
According to Chowdhry, when he received a proposal to select a candidate for the Nobel Prize, a few names of honored figures in the field of economics flashed in his head: Paul Romer, Doug Diamond, Steve Ross, but then he came to the idea that the nominee should be a man who made a revolutionary discovery in the 21st century. "The name of the inventor of Bitcoin suddenly jumped up in my consciousness, and I have not been able to get it out of my mind since then, Satoshi Nakamoto. ," Chowdry said.
He described the reasons for the nomination in the HuffPost article.
But later, the Nobel Prize Committee refused to nominate Satoshi, citing the anonymity of the creator of Bitcoin. In his explanation of the rejection, a spokesman for the committee noted that "the prize is not awarded anonymously or posthumously.
Keep calm; the 21st century proves that all these titles, awards, and other attributes are nonsense. And cryptocurrency proves that universal recognition is not necessary to write history at all.
Are you looking for brilliant ideas for the next month? Good. We recommend using the infographics from @cryptodiffer. They find the most interesting events and wrap everything up for the monthly selection.
Most interesting events:
– The new IEO from Binance;
– IoTeX token burn;
– Zcash halving and the possible launch of Stratis and Linear mainnets.
Buddy, if you keep a close eye on the events of some coins, you can make decent gains. Pst, OK?
And just a month above $14,000 in its entire history.
Well, first of all, by the "ToTheMoon standards," we haven't even left the atmosphere yet.
And secondly, you had to try really hard to lose money investing in Bitcoin…
FTX Crypto Exchange has already launched tokenized stocks trading, such as Tesla, Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, and Google.
Tokenized assets are traded with the same commissions as other assets and are available 24/7! Trading will be available to users after passing the second level of the KYC procedure.
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