Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #164, 01 March 2021

The market is storming...


Hey #Moni Maker 👍

Rough few days, huh? Well, we’ve warned it’s a Wild West out here.. Not to worry though, we’ll be fine, just don’t forget to stay up to date and react quickly. So let’s dive right in to the hottest happenings of the past week!

Let’s go!

CeFi World 🌎


Bitfinex and its subsidiary Tether have settled the conflict with the New York State Prosecutor's Office;

SEC likes Coinbase;

The current market correction has liquidated a record $5.64 billion worth of positions on centralized exchanges;

MicroStrategy bought $1 billion worth of BTC;

Kraken is negotiating a new round of financing;

According to CryptoRank, the total volume of bitcoin futures trading exceeded $177 billion, a new record high;

Canadian Purpose ETF added another 417 BTC to their portfolio;

The next HAPI Protocol round will be the IDO on Poolz;

The first bitcoin-ETF from Purpose Investments, which launched last week, raised 8,288 BTC;

Следующий раунд HAPI Protocol будет проходить в рамках IDO на Poolz;

DeFi World 💎


Trading volume on DEX reached a new record high of $3.77 billion!

Project of the Week 👷‍♂️


How do you express your love in different languages? In Russian it would be "Я люблю тебя”. "I Love You” In English. And now the crypto language offers a perfect way - make a donation in ETH or BSC!

Buy Me A Smoothie brings users closer to you or your project: with this platform, absolutely anyone can accept donations from their followers!

By the way, #Moni Talks is also on board. As you know, our digests are powered solely by the editorial team’s enthusiasm. So your donations are always welcome!

P.S. Every supporter can make an honorable appearance in our meme section if he chooses so :)

Meme of the Week

We Feel It!

And you...buy Bitcoin!😉


Join 25,000+ crypto founders, speculators and researchers.

Another Stuff