Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #879, 07 December 2023

The market is good, but take care of yourself


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today, without any historical reference, we just want to give a friendly reminder. Yes, the market is growing. Yes, we are getting airdrops. And the FOMO inside you demands more gains, more excitement, more achievements!


Relax. Ask yourself - 'How much do I want to earn?' and answer honestly. Ask yourself - 'And the desire to buy this coin... is it what I want, or is it FOMO?' and answer honestly. Don't forget to withdraw money and spend it on yourself, loved ones, education, food. After all, you came into crypto to make life better, not to just live in crypto, right?

📰 News going to press:

- The CEO of Grayscale says he is optimistic after talking with the SEC about a Bitcoin ETF. Now, we wait to hear similar news every couple of days. Yesterday we wrote about our concerns.Long story short, the ETF approval is going to be ”sell the news event”

- On Wednesday, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon told lawmakers that if he were the government, he would shut down cryptocurrencies. We will see this kind of clownery more and more often. The closer to the U.S. elections, the louder the statements will be. Some will support crypto, others will oppose it. Pure show :)

- This week, Terraform Labs appealed to the judge to let jurors decide whether UST and LUNA tokens are securities. Hmm. What are these tokens? Followers, do you have an answer? (💩) :))

🔮 What are the projects doing?

- We are all eagerly awaiting the launch of the Berachain testnet. We want to remind you of the upcoming testnet with a photo of Berachain's co-founder. Handsome!

- Today is the $JITO token claim. We've written about them a bunch of times. Check addresses here. The claim is at 16:00 UTC

- After so much time (a lot), Matcha is adding cross-chain swaps.


yes yes yes




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