Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #124, 12 January 2021

Legends Live Forever!


Hey #Moni Maker 🙃

Today, in 2009, the first Bitcoin transaction took place. Bitcoin, and crypto in general, already have numerous holidays, but this day is something similar to the real world New Year's Eve or Thanksgiving. Yes, winter is rich with holidays, so let's take a quick look at another digest, and we can go on having fun🥳

Let’s go!

Hal Phinney's Legendary Tweet is 12 years old


On January 11, 2009, Hal Finney became the first person after Satoshi Nakamoto to run a Bitcoin node on his computer. This was the beginning of the network's expansion, as he tweeted, "Running bitcoin".

Finney was also the recipient of the first 10 BTC transaction on January 12, 2009.

12 years...

So what?

Crypto is its own world. With its own memes, heroes, and legends...✊!

Bakkt goes public and gets listed on NYSE


Institutional investor-oriented crypto derivatives trading platform Bakkt today announced its own listing on the New York Stock Exchange in a SPAC transaction.

The firm merged with VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings for a valuation of about $2.1 billion. VPC held an initial public offering in September 2020.

Bakkt also said it plans to launch its Bakkt Cash app for retail investors this March. So far, more than 400,000 users have signed up for early access to the app.

Bitcoin mining + network hashrate = HARD


While the price of BTC has fallen, the underlying onchain metrics are rising, indicating that the network is highly resilient and performing.

Long Story Short

— Total trading volume on 1inch exceeds $10 billion.

Meme of the day 😄

We feel it!

Ну а ты...купи Биткоин!😉


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