Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #128, 16 January 2021

Is the denouement close?


Hey #Moni Maker 🙃

Today, in 1919, Prohibition went into effect in the United States. With the growth of crypto that we are witnessing nowadays, the government could hardly pull off such a thing - we have a holiday, and it has just begun😉! It’s about time to check out the latest crypto news.

Let’s go!

Mt Gox will distribute 90% of BTC


Bloomberg's Matt Leising wrote that U.S. crypto startup incubator CoinLab has settled a bitcoin payout to Mt. Gox creditors.

So what?

Ugh...the story is nearing a finale! We don't look forward to the Marvel movies as much as we look forward to the end of the Mt.Gox story...

New Bitcoin Core version 0.21.0

Is here!

Bitcoin Core 0.21.0, one of the largest Bitcoin Core releases in recent years, has arrived. The release contains several new features to improve privacy on the Bitcoin network and an update to the Schnorr/Taproot protocol.

Added support for Tor Network V3 addresses, descriptor wallets, bug fixes and performance improvements.

About 100 developers worked on the update for half a year.

So what?

Bitcoin Core is a veteran cryptocurrency wallet, one of the most reliable.

Institutionalists have not yet satisfied their interest in bitcoin

Mike Novogratz In Da House!

Institutional investors who discovered bitcoin six months to a year ago have not "even come close" to satisfying their interest. We're just at the beginning of the path of asset managers, insurance companies and other big players emerging, says Mike Novogratz, founder of cryptocurrency bank Galaxy Digital.

So what?

Brother Novogratz won't say bullshit, he always speaks to the point and clearly.

As witnesses to the rise and fall of the bitcoin, we know it's all still to come!

Start of 2021 for DEX


January 2021 volumes are double the previous trading volume record set in September 2020 at over $55 billion.

Uniswap, SushiSwap and Curve lead the way.

So what?

*DeFi is going to die, it's all a bubble* (c)

Meme of the day 😄

We feel it!

And one more thing...Buy Bitcoin! 😉


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Another Stuff