Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #738, 25 April 2023

Will halving pump BTC to $50k?


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today, in 2022, Elon Musk bought Twitter. Our information bubble is overwhelmed, do you agree? A whole year passed since Mr. Musk was collecting money from different companies (even mr ex FTX Sam had the desire to participate). Do you remember how Elon accused Twitter of fake bot activity?...

Btw, the future is more interesting. So let's move from the past to the future to see if halving would pump Bitcoin to $50k. Also, we'll cover the ZkSwap guide. Binance returned to Russia, and Republicans fought Gensler to protect the stablecoin…protection. 

Let's go! 


Halving soon. Moon Soon???

Ok, let's go back to the roots. Halving is a process in which the bitcoin supply gets divided by two. Also, the miners' rewards follow it. Satoshi implemented this feature to avoid inflation. 

So! Bloomberg's wais for $50k for Bitcoin in spring 2024 when the halving event happens. There are too many different points of view on Bloomberg and halving as well. 

Some people believe halving pumps BTC; some see this argument as a piece of…newspaper nobody reads. Ok, read the move via the link


Binance and Russia. Gensler and Republicans

– Binance came back to Russia 

–  Republicans move to take regulatory power over stablecoins from Gensler, SEC



Is it good, huh?


zkSwap: Testnet and 2 airdrops at the same time?

Bear in mind, ZkSync is young. So every project on it can turn into a scam. Be aware, plz. Do not use your main wallet with all dough in it and always check your revokes. 


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- Swap test ETH via the bridge in test zkSync

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