Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #650, 13 December 2022

AAAA - All Sams Are Arrested!


Hey Moni Maker 🎰  

Today they celebrate Ice Cream Day in the USA. You didn't ask for a diet, but we suggest you avoid the tastiest things. Why? Cause they are the most damageable ones.   

Crypto is the same. High APYs and x's on the screen can make you go nuts but always keep your head cold. These tricks are made to scam you!  

Let's go!


Sam Bankman-Fried...

It seems like we should make a 2pac cover right now, eh? Cause we have been waiting for this day for toooooo long, honey. 

Yes, the local authorities detained Bankman at the request of American partners. These local authorities said they are very interested in punishing all those associated with the collapse of FTX. 

We know nothing about what is going on. Yes, the media and Twitter streets are discussing it so loudly right now, but big boys behind Sam’s back can do everything they want. Don't forget that wag the dog! 

Btw, no drama. Gem City, let's choose the best way to punish Sam:   

❤️ -  Make him watch all crypto influencers' vids on YouTube 

💩 - Make him buy Aptos and LUNA at the highest price 

👍 - Put a portrait of CZ in front of Sam and make him look at it for three years without blinking

🐳 - Telling Sam about successful cases of crypto exchanges to make him feel FOMO 

You can always share your thought in replies     



NGMI - is an acronym for "not gonna make it". It is usually used to describe a situation when a person does not want to buy bitcoin, or another token cause of he is afraid of losses. And that's why he won't make money in the future    

And more you can find in our Glossary!    


Some more news?!    

– Every1 speaks about Sam only lol   


meme of the DAY    

    ⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And do not forget to download the Moni App :)        


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