Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #893, 15 January

Tokenization will be everywhere! Will Ethereum be the base?


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today, in 2001, Wikipedia was launched. The website, intended to be 'about everything,' ultimately became, in the eyes of many users, a site 'about everything, but riddled with inaccuracies and unnecessarily complex writing.

The takeaway? Diversify, but don't spread yourself too much. Focus on one thing. In terms of content, we at Talks don't want to chase everything. We calmly pursue what's most important. LGF!

📰 Sending out the news:

- The head of BlackRock, Larry Fink, in a recent interview, said that all stocks and assets should be tokenized. Of course, the crypto Twitter began to share their fervent dreams, like, 'if they start tokenizing
stocks - they'll use Ethereum as the blockchain for it.'

It sounds a bit too naive. But we remember that Ethereum is not a security. The head of the SEC, with trembling hands in court, could not define what Ethereum is. So, we can conclude that big players are behind Ethereum. And, who knows, maybe it will be used to tokenize stocks, especially when Ethereum becomes cheaper, faster, and all that. Time will tell.

🔮 What are the projects up to?

- Binance will prohibit P2P trading for Russian citizens and residents from January 31 this year. There's ByBit, it works fine. 

- Binance launches $MANTA on their launchpool. And MANTA itself rolled out its tokenomics

- People are waaaaaiting for an airdrop from Staknet, it's said to be coming soon




stocks on ETH....


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