Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #887, 21 December 2023

Eyes on EigenLayer - Minds Captured!


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today, back in 1937, the cartoon 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' was released. Would Snow White make these dwarfs farming some drops? Probably. Times change and so do we!

📰 News Ready for the Press:

– A judge has rejected Sam Bankman-Fried's request for an extended sentencing period. Let's wish Sam nothing but the worst! Positive vibes off, scumbag.

– Russia introduces the digital ruble into the country's tax code. The CDBC is coming, swaying.

– Crypto influencers on Twitter write that $SOL in their portfolio is more than $ETH. Don't repeat their moves, just watch!

🔮 What's happening with the projects?

– EigenLayer hits $1 billion in TVL just 48 hours after launching their caps. In short, welcome to the restaking narrative!

– EigenLayer launches Restaking Rollups.

– The Sandbox aims to make India its largest market. Fascinating! Are we waiting for an Indian alpha?

– Sound.xyz releases Protocol Rewards. Now it will be easier to distribute money. And yes, buy Gryazin's tracks here 👈 

– Grass project raised $3.5m. Tres Finance raised $11m.


buterin is cooool 


baby i'm prerich did you check sol??? 


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