Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #136, 01 September 2021

Degen Stuff: MEOWCOIN Gem City. Edition №136

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker

Today, Gem City Hall decided to create a new answer to Dogecoin called Meowcoin. Sometimes citizens think that our government don't have enough work due to the well working DAO. Anyway, the elections will take place tomorrow.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter and meow! Because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ NearPAD;

2️⃣ Raydium Star AtlasPools open: September 1, 12:00 UTCPools close: September 2, 00:00 UTC

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ MoonieNFT IDO Wl on PolkaStarter - up to 02.09;

2️⃣ https://defiwarrior.io/ to 5th september.

BlockArt Art Block

Just remember ok?

Hey, Digest is thinking about BlockArt now.

We just leave two tweets for your DYOR, ok? No more for now, we wait.

And we continue!

Loot your character


Well, NFT madness is like a great party! It continues even after the hangover -let's loot the hero and send it to the replies.

We start it!

Lenin would have been proud of the ducks, even though he is a mushroom himself!


A continuation of our introduction to Waves Ducks and the King Duck.

- How will the Collective Farms help Waves Ducks?

- How exactly can you make profits from it?

Here is the link once again. Flit like a butterfly, make money like a duck.



The first airdrop comes from Omm. If you are Aave or Compound user, you can try to claim OMM airdrop here.

And the second one! SWPR tokens for the initial airdrop can now be claimed at Swapr.eth on Arbitrum One.

Genesis Physical NFT drop

Another drop, but a special one


3787 from 10,000 was already minted on the previous smart contract. However, due to technical aspects, a new collection needed to be deployed on the new smart contract. Therefore, we relaunch the collection on a new, fully functional smart contract with all the crucial features!

The 3787 NFTs were distributed to holders of NFTs from the previous smart contract. Each owner received a corresponding NFT from the new SC. Now, it is time to discover all of them!

NFTs from Uniqly Genesis Collection are distributed in flat price model, 0.08 ETH per one. Each item is automatically revealed after minting. (c)

Yes-yes! Physical drop, lol. Dive into the post and get more info on it. Maybe you will get a t-shirt too? DYOR!

Wanna own DOGE?

Miso of DOGE lol

A new auction on Miso has such DESCRIPTION:

The most iconic meme in internet history, the original Doge, is now fractionalized and available for anyone to own. This is the original Doge NFT minted by Atsuko Sato, the owner of our favorite canine.

The link? Woof-woof!


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff