Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #154, 28 September 2021

Degen Stuff: Ban Gem Fud! Edition ā„–154

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker

Modern Gem City isnā€™t afraid of fud, bans and other vile things fiat worlds used to attack crypto before the Great Mass Adoption. Thatā€™s why Gem City DAO decided to ban every Gem Fudder that was met on the Twitter Streets. Special AI will recognise such fudders and bring the pointed messages to the court of Gem City citizens.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to never be FUDed again! Because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Letā€™s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1ļøāƒ£ Art Blocks Playground - 16:00 UTC;

2ļøāƒ£ Art Blocks Playground - 19:15 UTC.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1ļøāƒ£ SolRazr IDO Whitelist Opened until 28 Sept 13:00 UTC:

2ļøāƒ£ WL Highstreet. Close: Oct 2, 13:00 UTC

Rogan meets BAYC

NFTs are dead

Digest doesnā€™t listen to Joe Roganā€™s podcasts, because he canā€™t. Do you?

Anyway, the Twitter streets brought such video. Just watch it and you will see Joe speaking about NFTs and BAYC...lol.

And check this link - itā€™s an NFT screenshot :D

And we continue!

Guy Fawkes is dead again

Or AnonToken

Allegedly the ANONYMOUS team will do a supposedly anonymous token on...BSC.

Oh, yes, BSC! If you still haven't downloaded Moni and tracked your BSC portfolio, now is the time. Otherwise, ANONYMOUS will come and dump everything :((

ArtWallet, when will NFT become a mass adoption?!


While some are burying NFT and crying on mommy's vest for not picking up profits, others try to make the NFT world better and fix bugs. ArtWallet is of the latter. Reasons:

- Mass Adoption in action!

The guys promise to bring UX and apps on iOS and Android up to snuff so that the user experience is top-notch;

- Security

You 100% know someone who's had NFT stolen? Hacken and ArtWallet will try to stop this kind of thing;

- AR/VR integration

You can put on a VR helmet, and fap admire your cryptopunks you borrowed;

The Token Sale Public Round is set for Oct. 19 at Daisy Launchpad. A total of 10,000,000 1ART tokens will be available.

Price: $0.125 per 1ART. Only 5% of tokens will be unlocked on TGE.

Keep the links to DYOR!

Website + Twitter + Medium + Telegram

Bald from Coinbase, don't get upset


dYdX founder of Antonio flexes in his tweeter with trading volumes - he left Coinbase 5 years ago and today there are more volumes on dYdX than on CB.

"Iā€™m incredibly thankful for my time at Coinbase šŸ™

When I joined I told Brian Armstrong that I wanted to found a company some day, and he said ā€œthatā€™s awesome, letā€™s see how we can help you do thatā€"

So sweeeeeet!

Twitter thread to read!

This one is a really good one

Oh, yes! We love crypto, we love profits and so on. But donā€™t forget we are just people, and sometimes we meet mental problems because of our crypto passion.

Do you think you donā€™t deserve the money you earned? Do you think, you are just a lucky guy?

Check the thread to recognize and leave imposter syndrome. Donā€™t forget your mental health is really important. No money will be able to buy it, ok?


See you later!

āš½ļø: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff