Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #134, 30 August 2021

Degen Stuff: Gems VS Scams. Edition №134

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker

Today, Gem City Hall announced a new bill against DYOR dissidents. Every citizen should make a DYOR every day. If you will be scammed and you won't have a DYOR NFT, Gem Police will not investigate your case.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter and you will never be scammed! We always remind you about DYOR, because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ ArtBlocks Factory 16:00 UTC.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ CoinsPAD WL - up to 31.08;

2️⃣ MoonieNFT IDO Wl on PolkaStarter - up to 02.09;

3️⃣ https://defiwarrior.io/ to 5th september.

Do not miss it plz

Or fomo will kill u?

Ok, ok! Digest is here, bro.

Let's check Fidenza Apes and see what the will show us? NFT is not dying lol.

usually, September is not good for crypto market, bu-u-u-t...we will see. DYOR!

And we continue!

DAO by people and for people


All they talk about in Heaven is how beautiful NFT, P2E and DAO are. The market is recovering, so we think that P2E is the next trend, and these games will blow up like the Pentagon guys. Recently A2DAO announced a $1M grant for P2E projects. So we decided to do a little review on them, well, A2DAO, for you. Because you're sitting completely without A2DAO ;(

A2DAO is a platform for investment, in other words, launchpad. Yes, you can dive into a chat and talk about profits, dough and all that stuff you like so much.

Guys use the ATD token to get involved in fundraising. You can go to Uniswap and buy it; then, you throw the token on a launchpad or stake it. Whatever your soul wants!

DYOR! The trains are leaving, choo-choo, m@z@f@k@.

Why DYOR is needed?


Please, be carefull! Cupcat is not scam, but some scam actors wanna scam you! Always check the Twitter and Discord & Telegram accounts before investing, plz.

If you don't have cryptopunk dont talk w/ me


Visa, now Mask...whos is the next one?

Anyway, buying NFT is a great promotion. It's not a Facebook or Instagram advertisment. It's better.


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


Join 25,000+ crypto founders, speculators and researchers.

Another Stuff