Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #460, 26 December 2022

Gem City watches NFT Migration

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 🎙

Today Gem City Migration Cente stated that 100500 NFT collections had been migrated to Gem Blockchain in the last six months. The employees share fresh Gems and hot Alpha with migrants who escaped from Rekts. 

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Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!     



– no for now



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Mirror: Web3 for graphomaniacs

Options, credit protocols, delta-neutral strategies - it's all good, of course, but what to do if you know how to write articles and want to earn in crypto? There is a way out! And now we will tell you about it.

Mirror is a platform for Web3-writers with the opportunity to monetize content and get a $WRITE native token, which is just announced (can you smell it? Airdrop!). The project didn't come out yesterday, and there are a lot of Dragonfly and a16z funds on board.

What we have:

- A social project with a token and a utility

- Possibility to monetize textual content

- Possible drop off for activity for both writers and readers

As you can see, the project is quite a good one, considering that crypto cats love and can write good articles. So, either go ahead yourself or support those who appeal to you and then you'll get a bit of $WRITE for good deeds.


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🔎 Website

Moni Twitter Bot discovered this project. Subscribe and get your 100x gem - @moni_twitter_bot

1inch makes life easy with Fusion

While you're waiting for Santa Claus and reindeer, because there's nothing else to wait for, the unicorns from 1inch are carrying the Fusion update on their shoulders, strengthened by the battles with bears. 

In a nutshell, Fusion allows you to exchange tokens for different DEX'am without commissions. In more detail:

a) There will only be three modes in the Fusion update

b) Fast, Fair and Auction - all of them will meet the needs of both degens, who urgently need to buy
a shitcoin and those who want to make the most profitable swap

c) And yes, since Fusion is based on 1inch, there will be plenty of liquidity for swap

Well, you'll find out more in the 1inche channel - click to read

Some NFTs want to find a new home on Ethereum and Polygon

We are talking about y00ts and DeGods. In fact, two of the top two collections on Solana (look at OpenSea - proofs) will move to Ethereum and Polygon next year. 

y00ts are going to Polygon

In the replies, people are either burying Solana or swearing at Polygon. Well btw, that's the sentiment we have.  

And DeGods are moving to Ethereum

"Do you want to become one on Ethereum and stop being the best on Solana?" - asks one follower rhetorically. Yes, apparently, they do. 

So what?  

The projects probably don't have any insider information. They just decided to play it safe. Well, and y00ts, we understand, looking at the hype around Polygon. Whether Solana will die is not up to us but to the market and the devs. But we advise you not to listen to any FUD without reason and finally buy a Christmas tree and a couple of garlands at home. It will be more beneficial than arguing with someone on the Internet. 


Degen NEWS! 

- How Vela Exchange is innovating perpetuals trading 

- The $gDAI Vault Epoch System

- Vertex Protocol Overview 

- FrxBTC: Everything we know so far



SEE YOU LATER!              

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