Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #409, 13 October 2022

Gem City calls never to give up

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 🎙

Today Gem City DAO rolled out a new proposal on citizens’ mood fixing. The DAO members suggest staying positive and continuing gem hunting to find 100x gems. DAO is sure the bear market is the best way to become rich, but all of us should wait. 

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in! 



– AnotherBlock ruffle   

– SoulBonds ruffle

– Check Across airdrop 



- Arbitrum airdrop            

Google accepts crypto, while crypto heads eat $XEN with Polygon pills

What a time to be ali… Wait. What a time to be in crypto! Alice from NoX’s Land would become the craziest in the room, forget about MetaMask and seed phrases, get hired to a cafe nearby her house, have 9-5 and a salary every first Tuesday. Why? 

On one side of the bear barricades, we have $XEN. We wrote about it here, then it was on Ethereum, and now devs rolled out BNB-Chain and Polygon versions. $XEN is better than any FOMOlogist to determine how much crypt heads miss fast and wild coins, excitement and passion... $XEN is discussed not because it's some super cool project...but because there's nothing to discuss. 

And on the other side, we have Google with media saying it will accept a massive amount of cryptos for cloud services. BTC, ETH, Apecoin, Litecoin, some stablecoins… And nobody cares! Nobody! 


Moni Alpha Reports meet Product Hunt! 

U know bout Product Hunt, eh, Gem Hunter? Ofc you should cause we even made a video on it. Woow…so beautiful times were when so amazing dances were when! Ok, let’s move to the point. 

Long story short, Moni Alpha Reports are on Product Hunt right now. And we ask you to support our reports, ok? Step-by-step: 

Moni Alpha Reports is your guide to the web3 world. Not just a guide but an opportunity to find early-staged projects. We've already found Moon Birds, Goblin Town, and Digi Daigaku… so maybe you'll find a new Solana or Ethereum; who knows? 

We appreciate your support, and now we need it as air needs drop. All you should do is visit our Product Hunt page, leave your feedback on Moni Alpha Reports, and express your love in other ways, like sharing. 

And yes! You can grab a 20% discount for any type of subscription. The promo code is available on our Product Hunt page. 

The link? Is here



Secret Garden. NFT for musicians. Why Linkin Park?

Secret Garden is an NFT project that aims to make music creation accessible for everyone. That is, everyone can express their feelings via music, mixing their own tracks with others' ones, and also having the ability to roll all it out via music NFTs.

Today Mike Shinoda aka Linkin Park will drop his song on the platform. So it's worth it to DYOR! 

Twitter, Discord, Website

We found this projects via Moni Twitter Bot. You can find more alpha via it, just try it!



SEE YOU LATER!            

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