Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #405, 07 October 2022

Gem City Against the Fall of Gem Blockchain

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 🧝‍♀️

Ok, bro! Have you already used our Moni Twitter Bot? If not, grab this link to try, but…we have something cooler for you. Something for lazy people who don’t want to do deep research and spend time on Twitter and other social media. For people who want to get everything on a silver platter :)

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in! 





- Arbitrum airdrop          

Wanna become an Alpha King? Moni is bringing the Alpha Report!

Ok, bro! Have you already used our Moni Twitter Bot? If not, grab this link to try, but…we have something cooler for you. Something for lazy people who don’t want to do deep research and spend time on Twitter and other social media. For people who want to get everything on a silver platter :)

Moni Alpha Reports! https://alpha.getmoni.io/ 

Moni Alpha Reports are daily reports created by a Moni Research Team...now move to perks:

- Reviews of the earliest and hottest DeFi gems and NFT blue chips. Maybe we’ll find a new 1inch or Bored Apes Yacht Club, eh?

- In reports, you will find the most important and latest news from DeFi, NFT and the crypto world in general 

- You can receive the reports by e-mail or via discord

In a year the Moni team analyzed 2500+ projects, released 300+ reports, and found 50+ gems. For example, Goblin Town, Moonbirds, DigiDaigaku couldn’t run away from our reports…

Wanna try? Check some reports at this link

Hurry up to join the first 69 Gem Hunters list to get a discount on your subscription, yooo!

You’ll find the Alpha Reports here



Arthur Hayes is back, bitches! Oh, plebs, sorry. So. The new essay will blame awful economical politics and tell us why Arthur thinks crypto market will be growing. 

Check it here. Btw, TL;DR: 

- About the feckless money politics

- How the Bank of England f@cked up and so will everyone else

- The EU is in danger because Germany may be screwed for lack of cheap energy

- Everyone will have to turn on the printer sooner or later, except the U.S.  

- Crypto will become more expensive because people will put money into it


Never forget Aptos! At least for now...

The amount of share and likes our Aptos posts get tells us Gem Hunter lose the Aptos curiosity. We think it's even better! Cause less people wanna get Aptos WLs - more chances to get this WL, right? 

– Get a Carbo Swap Whiltelist

It's easy! You have to join the discord and invite as many friends as possible. About 20 of them will be enough to get one whitelist. Join discord here, generate your link to invite and get WL. 

– Mint testnet NFT Shogun on BlueMove 

Shogun will let us mint its 5000 NFTS on 14:00 UTC. Why not? Click

– Mint NFT Souffl3

So your steps: 

Follow this account and join discord. Then RT this. And mint this. Fine! 


SEE YOU LATER!            

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And download the Moni app :)                                                                                   


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