Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #403, 04 October 2022

Gem City Against Manipulation in Sales

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 🌚

Today, the Gem City DAO announced they would strongly oppose the manipulation various large companies carry out when buying smaller companies. For example, DAO is proposing that transactions be made through Gem Blockchain, which has worked many times before for the city's citizens. 

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to get Gems and News first! And remember...  

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in! 



– Depressed Citizens Mint 30 Sept 



- Arbitrum airdrop          


1inch is Unstoppable now! Cause Domains with it

While fcking bears are growling “gr-gr-gr”, the unicorn from 1inch says, “I have a new partnership.” Not a usual one but with Unstoppable Domains! 

1inch users will be able to send and get crypto using domains. Yes, no symbols mess anymore! And if you still have not your own domain yet, plz do something. It’s a popular narrative, bro.

If you didn’t get what is it…domain is like your wallet address. But not a usual one but a word like “FOMO”.

We suggest you go deeper into this topic via this link.


The APE is not a king anymore?

Press: Renga has outplayed the Apes! NFTs are faaaalling. Interesting collections. Digest is an aesthete! 

Check this Digest on Telegram or on the website


Jelly Shelly Welly: DAO, investments, jelly

Today we have something to show you. Will it turn you on? Hm…What if we’ll tell this project is about NFT? And not only but also investments, DAO, ecology…ok, let’s move on. No willy-nilly moves. 

Jelly Shelly Welly - 9999 NFT avatars made in not the usual way. The devs have an ESG narrative that stands for ecological, socially responsible and governance. 

The main points:

- JSW DAO will invest in other projects with community help. So it’s just a fund style

- JSW DAO will support all initiatives on ecological movements

- By buying this jpeg you will get intellectual rights to it

Social media: 

– Twitter

– Website

– Premint

The mint event will take place in December.

And yes! We found this project via Moni Twitter Bot. You’ll be able to find the early-staged projects via our bot too, just use this link 


SEE YOU LATER!            

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And download the Moni app :)                                                                                   


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