Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #395, 23 September 2022

Gem City will teach you how to DYOR

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 👄

Today Gem City launches a new project to teach citizens how to DYOR. Cause during the bear market; people became so stupid they started to invest their money in all kinds of scams. Ofc, these scams could be x’s when the bull run was, but not now…

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Symbiosis testnet            
How to get ETH POS tokens  



 - Get the Depressed Citizens allowlist!

- Arbitrum airdrop          


Nitro Cartel: Cartel instead of DAO

The nerdy guys from Nitro Cartel are building on Arbitrum and encroaching on this ecosystem's top spot. Well, fire up the nitro!!!

So, what have we been able to find out, wading through the floridness of the narrative and the mystery that's been cast by Nitro's people? They are building the project on Arbitrum as the most suitable L2 solution. The team's main values are decentralization, privacy and free innovation.

The Nitro Cartel team plans to improve the consistency of incentives for all parties involved and reinforce Arbitrum's dominance as the leading digital sovereignty platform. Also on board is providing liquidity, airdropping of $ARBI tokens, deploying economic models, deploying hyperstructures and linking these things with DeFi protocols like GMX and Dopex.

Now you can tweet about your early involvement in the project's life and DYR by the link.

AirDAO and DWF Labs made a $2m deal and work together now

AirDAO made a deal with DWF Labs, a marketing and investment company. Why is it good? Let us tell you some.

DWF Labs is a market maker and investment company in the web3 world. Also, it provides some support to web3 projects. Web3-web3-WeB3. That’s why guys decided to invest $2m in AirDAO. So we have almost a #DoughIsFund post here.

To get more details, you can check this article.

And we hope you get that such projects should be DYORed hard, so we prepared a review, especially for you - click


Uniswap is giving away grants: 14 projects for your DIOR

The news, of course, isn't fresh… it came out as recently as September 21st. But...but listen, back off, bro. It's a bear market, and good news even a month old is still good news...long story short.

The Uniswap Foundation, aka UF, has awarded $1.8 million in grants to 14 projects. All for developing the protocol, the DeFi sector and crypto in general. There are three areas of projects out there. Let us give you some of these, prepare your DYOR machine: 

– Protocol Growth

* Uniswap Diamond. It will improve the traders’ explerience and expand the market impact. The builders are GFX Labs.

* Uniswap.fish. It helps liquidity providers to manage their LPs and all of that.

Numoen. Will work with AMM to improve the LP workflow. 

– Community Growth

* Uniswap v3 Development Course. A free course will teach you how to use the UNI V3 platform. 

* Phi. Visualizes the on-chain identity and works with metaverses. 

– Governance Stewardship

* Holdim. The mobile app will help users to track protocols’ updates online.

To find other projects or know more about mentioned ones, you can use this link.  


Snippets (Arthur Hayes new essay)

Arthur Hayes' new essay is out! Let's give you the links now, and below is a little TL;DR for the lazy. We still suggest you read it, though.

Check out the essays right here


- Hayes Recalls The DAO case and reflects on Ethereum "decentralization"

- And there's not much decentralization anywhere at all 

- People are trading privacy for entertainment and communication Hello, Tik Tok, Twitter and others! 

- Ethereum has all chances to grow a lot, just like Web2 companies once grew, which have now become giants 

- Institutionals are not something that can launch the next bull run. And they won't go into crypto again

- About world conflicts + political analytics 

- Bitcoin price will fluctuate along with U.S. dollar liquidity; bitcoin technology will soon make itself known

- Bitcoin could fall as low as $17,500 because of Treasury and Fed actions

- Ethereum may not grow to five figures by the end of the year, but Arthur is still holding it and not selling it


What are literary NFT and blockchain publishing?

Today, as yesterday, we publish an article, not about x's, drops, and raffles. This time we have a New York Times bestselling author who went into NFT and web3. And not just went but decided that NFT literature and NFT publications could help writers in their complicated business. So I highlighted ten reasons why NFT for books is astonishing. 

Check it here


SEE YOU LATER!           

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