Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #374, 25 August 2022

Gem City is running new updates

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 👾

Today the Gem City DAO decided that it's time for a new update of the GemBlockchain, so it will not be available for a millisecond. The DAO has promised to roll out all the details a little later, but today by 6:00 pm local time.

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Symbiosis testnet      



- The Portfolios' Battle 


Optic: NFT controller

The main goal of today's project is to create an open protocol that provides deep content understanding and transparency for everyone who develops blockchain, and there's also AI and Opensea support. Let's take a look at what this project is all about.

Optic is a protocol with artificial intelligence that can track different blockchains and can reveal the origin of any NFT: how it has been reinterpreted, modified, or copied. They have a laudatory quote from CPO Opensea on the home page. We hope he wasn't a friend of that insider manager...okay, just kidding.  

The team has a lot of experience with machine learning at YouTube and Google. And here's the list of investors: Pantera, Kleiner Perkins, Circle, Polygon, etc. The project isn't hyped yet, so follow Twitter and Discord to get some announcements. Otherwise, how DYOR is possible? 


Projects raised dough (Looking for Gems)

Ding-dong, Gem Hunter. For a long time, we haven't shared with you projects that raised some cash to outplay the market...or to get rekt. Btw, like & share, buddy! 

All eyes are on the infographic! 

Tessera - a project develops some solutions for collective NFT ownership

dWallet Labs is developing crypto wallet, security and cryptography

Ready Player Me is a platform for creating avatars for metaverses

DYOR while we are looking for some more, huh? 


Ethereum wants to merge in 12 days

Yes, this news is a bit outdated, but...first of all, yesterday we were too busy with the Portfolios' Battle launch. Btw, you can follow it here. And secondly, we'll try to dilute this post with some interesting stuff. 

Anyway, yesterday the Ethereum team updated the roadmap:  

- Bellatrix update will take place on September 6

- The Ethereum merge will be held on September 10-20

- The team promises to pay up to $1 million for finding critical bugs

Ok, but it begs the question - where will the miners go? 

After all, the merger is a switch from PoW to PoS. So, miners go home! But where is home? 

Twitter user Cryptovium chose the four most suitable contenders in his opinion: RVN, FLUX, ERG, ETC and held a vote. His followers voted for $FLUX, saying that's where the miners will go, but that could be a) a bot's voting and b) a delusion.  

But...It's worth to DYOR these coins. You can do it through Moni: $RVN, $FLUX, $ERG, $ETC

ETC, aka Ethereum Classic, pumped +11% during 24 hours. Oh, and yes, it's not financial advice. 


SEE YOU LATER!                         

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