Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #370, 19 August 2022

Gem City has taken a stand against Fake News

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 👾

Today, the Gem City DAO released a new manifesto on Gem Blockchain, in which the citizens detailed a plan to combat Fake News. From now on, anyone who knowingly spreads FUD and fake news will be forced to trade with x10000000000000000 leverage for three days on their entire deposit.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to there would be less fake news! And remember...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!



Symbiosis testnet     





Loop Crypto: Automation for adults

Our today hero will solve the problem of repetitive transactions by automating them. Let's find out who needs it and what to do with it.

Loop Crypto is the first smart contracts solution that allows you to automatically repeat cryptocurrency payments without blocking funds, a kind of autopay for web3. Repetitive payments can be annoying for a regular user, let alone a DAO or multi-sig, where transactions grow exponentially.

Loop smart contracts have already been created - the tools companies need to implement Loop: from APIs to dashboards to server services. Loop is built so integration can be as simple as adding a snippet of HTML to a website. In the seed round, the project raised $4,000,000 from a16z with participation from Alchemy Ventures, CoinList and many more.

Right now, you can follow Twitter, fill out a partnership form, and DYOR by this link


Keep looking for the 100x gem among premints

Well, we decided to make you happy with another collection of premints. Just a reminder that it's best to participate in events like this with a special wallet, not the one where you hold all the dough.

👾 Cryptics - mystery... Coming out under the auspices of some Web3 incubator 

💎 Saphire - genesis collection of 777 jpegs. They promise to spend 80% on the utility building. They also promise a private node (!) for fast mint with minimal gas. Well, we'll see.

😵‍ WhosjiLabs - a cool collection, vaguely reminiscent of a mix of Futurama + Rick and Morty, not only with art but with the presence of a game. There is a real artist in attendance.


Projects raised dough (Looking for Gems)

A fresh collection of those who raised dough. Like & Share is a must, or you'll get rekt on mint.

All eyes are on the infographic! 

Injective - an open, interoperable smart contract platform optimized for decentralized financial applications.

Ansible Labs - a payment platform for withdrawing funds from crypto wallets to bank accounts worldwide.

Gunzilla Games - the company developing AAA games for PC, Sony Playstation, and X-Box with web3 and blockchain, of course.

DYOR, and we'll keep looking.


New Portfolios' Battle with Aurora! Will you participate?

Gem City! It's been a while since we've had a Battle of the Portfolios in our glorious city! And today...today, in cooperation with Aurora, we're happy to announce the start of a new Portfolios' Battle. 

The timing of the Battle: 

Beginning: right now! 

End of registration: August 24, 14:00 UTC 

End of Battle: August 31, 14:00 UTC

Prize pool: $1500. Prizes will be given to the first and last places and the best portfolio descriptions. And also to three random participants. Let's see, what kind of investor are you? :) 

- Check the text guide to the Battle here 

See you, Gem Hunter.  


SEE YOU LATER!                   

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And download the Moni app :)                                                                                     


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