Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #345, 15 July 2022

Gem City allows white mixers

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 👾

Today was another metaverse meeting in Gem City, where the members of the DAO decided that it was worth allowing "white" mixers but permanently banning "black" mixers. The colour of the mixer will be determined by the Gem Smart Contract who has served in all units of the Gem Police and has been awarded the Order of Gem City in the form of the NFT for merit.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to make all mixers white. And remember...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!


Мир падет, если ты их пропустишь

Тестнет у Symbiosis



1) https://rift.finance/


Engines of Fury - arenas for gamers

Well, let's dilute this DeFi-week with something simpler. A lot simpler, ok? Engines of Fury is a play-to-earn game with PVE/PVP arenas. There are fights, battles and stuff. Creators assure crypto in their game will be engaged natively, rather than far-fetched. In addition to the usual fights, you'll be able to rent arenas and earn more from them. 

The guys promise to launch the beta in Q3 this year. And NFT marketplaces, staking and other stuff will be available. And yes - interesting in this game is that the team in their mediums give a report that token without a game nobody on f@ck wants so that they will be oriented precisely on the game. Btw, the phrase ala "We will go down in history" is embarrassing. But of course, you can DYOR it - here's the link


Getting freebies from EthSign

We wrote about EthSign not too long ago. They had a contest on Twitter that we missed (don't throw tomatoes!), but many subscribers could start following the project at our instruction and enter the NFT draw. 

Anyway, you can claim your NFT here

But even if you missed it, no worries! There's another competition. 

EthSign, along with Aki Network, are raffling off 500 NFT. All you have to do is: 

- Go here

- Pass four tasks

- Wait for results on the 23rd of July 

Lesgoh? Put a hot dog!!!


Alan Walker: New IGO on Binance NFT

What have we got here? Sale on Binance, fortune lottery for 1000 NFT. Sweaty palms already? Let's move on.

All right! Binance NFT and Alan Walker. If with the first it is clear, then with the second comrade, in any case, we will explain. He is an English-Norwegian music producer and DJ, which he is famous for. I guess you've heard his Faded; we wrote more about him in our post about Corite's partnership. 

There will be 1000 NFTs for 10 BUSD, one ticket per account and 0 chance to win, but if you are lucky :) 

It starts July 15 at 00:00 UTC, the chance is less than the percentage of your successful trades in futures, but not much to do either, so check the details and jump in.


Who's the little one here?

Press: Who has TVL growing? Fantom is down...how much? Where to throw stablecoins? Digest will tell you!

Let's read on the website, or right via the Moni App! 



⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And download the Moni app :)                                                                                


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