Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #320, 10 June 2022

Gem City rewards white hats

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 👾

Today the Gem City DAO decided to allocate 2% of Gem tokens for allocation to white hats' wallets. Thanks to these do-gooders, the Gem City DAO could find 10,000 vulnerabilities in the last two days and prevent hacks on the city's main protocols.

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Hop Protocol Airdrop



1) https://rift.finance/  


And the hacker is not a hacker, but a knight? 

It would probably still be more logical to start the day with a post about Hop Protocol airdrop. Btw, you can claim it here; now, let's speak about some other things. 

Do you remember when we talked about hacking Optimism? Well, not hacking, really, a little gaffe. Before the Optimism airdrop, they sent 20 million tokens to the market maker Wintermute's address so that they, in turn, distributed the tokens among users' addresses. But... Wintermute has specified an address which has not yet been deployed to Optimism. Some guy hustled up, beat Wintermute to it, deployed the multi-signature, and took the dough. The guy flipped a million $OP tokens for ETH. 

As revealed yesterday, this "hacker" sent some of the "profit" to Vitalik Buterin's wallet. When writing, 18 million tokens are still in the hacker's wallet. 


Pontem, something new on Aptos!

Well, this is straight up fresh at all. Pontem is the first AMM on Aptos, modelled after Uniswap and Curve for stable and unstable pairs. The guys dream of build the first platforms for Aptos' L1 blockchain in three key verticals: protocols, developer tools and infrastructure. Btw, we are early. 

For example, the guys have a tool called Move Playground. It's a browser-based game, which you will be able to build for glory. Other products of the project will appear right here

You can try out the platform right now - DYOR here


1inch is hooked on Opium

Who's the favourite in your f@cking class? 1inch Network has announced an integration with derivatives platform Opium, which will allow users to play with all those Opium derivatives benefits right in the 1inch dApp. 

Cryptocurrency derivatives work similarly to option contracts, allowing users to buy insurance against, for example, a significant drop in the price of ETH or, conversely, bet on an increase in the price of ether.

Say a user can buy Turbo ETH with a strike price of $2,200, which means that if the price of ETH exceeds $2,200 at a specific date in the future, the user will automatically receive the difference between the price at the time of purchase and $2,200.

More? Check more! @OneInchNetworkNews


Test merge on Ropsten

The long-awaited merge, the purpose of which is to make all Ethereum users happy, commissions low, power consumption even more down, and in general, it's PoS but not PoW. However, "When it's done" and "Merge" have almost become synonymous since the merge did happen, but for now on the Ropsten test network.

Ropsten is the Ethereum oldest test network and has been working since 2016. If you don't know why it's needed, it's like training on ducks first and then going out in public.

What will all this give? An introduction to the developers, how the Ethereum network will work after the switch to PoS, whether everything is ok, etc. 

You can read more about the merger here


What should you do with your watchlist? 

Townie Gem City, do you remember we have the Moni crypto tracker, yup? Yes, we recently added NFT tracking there, but let's move on.

Now you can share your watchlist with your friends to share smart ideas and with your enemies to flex your x's. Facts, let's put together the coolest watchlist and share it with followers, hah? 

Step by step:  

- Download Moni: iOS / Android 

- Read the watchlist building guide 

- Share it and leave feedback on the app - the Moni Discord server is awaiting for you 


THE END!         

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!                                                                 



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