Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #196, 25 November 2021

Gem City chose the word of the year

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker 👾

Today the Gem City Research Centre chose the word of the year. As in all previous years, it was "Gem". According to the scientists, this word was metaversed 10000000000 times.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to Gem is always a popular word! And remember...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!


The world will be destroyed if you miss them


1️⃣ Masa investor interest

2️⃣ Beta waitlist


My SolChicks wanna be whitelisted!

Digest brings whitelists! 

The crypto cats are rubbing their hands together in anticipation of x's from SolChicks, and we're keeping a close eye on all this action. 

So... SolChicks have launched a draw for whitelists! 


- 10 whitelists in Tir3. 

The rules are eazy: 

- Follow on Twitter, like + RT this post

- Reply with hashtag #SolChicksRevolution

- Tag 5 friends in the same reply. You can tag Moni Talks - @moni_talks_zyx :) 

Winners will be announced on November 26th when the chicks have their IDO start. 14:00 UTC - the IDO start, so... 

Come on, fly in; you'll thank us later when you buy yourself a Tesla. Or not. We'll see :)  

And we continue!


WingSwap plays with your p@ssy

OK, WingSwap is a new project that does AMM and NFT farming on the Fantom network. All in all, a project from the world of DeFi, it's super. Also, slightly updated.

A whitelist is now open for public sale, run to attack. 


– $50 allocation

– 400 slots

– You need to get at least 5 entries in gleam.

Link to gleam - here 

Must pass KYC - here 

Deadline: 27 November 12:00 UTC


Create your own blockchain saga in Duskbreakers?

What is Duskbreakers? Can we write the plot ourselves? What phases are there anyway? We explained! 

Go here and create your own game! 


I'm a farming don. Learn, b!tch! | Edition №20

Press: BSC fights for respect! Better call SOL? ETH at 10k? Where to throw the stables? Digest thrown in! 

Let's read it!


Torekko brings Japan

We told you about Torekko. It's that project where everything is in Japanese style. It's pretty cool. 

Right now, the IDOs of this project are all over the venues. Here's the schedule:

TruePnl - November 25.

BSC Launch - November 25

RoseonPad - November 26

MemePad - November 26.

The Pancake listing on November 30th. Hooray, fellow Japanese!


We and OogaVerse are!

We are pleased to announce... no... We're happy to tell....ugh! F@ck all those annoying phrases when it comes to OogaVerse, whoo!

We're f*cking thrilled to announce that we're now waltzing into this jpeg aka NFT world, with OogaVerse. 

The whole Moni Talks team has joined their discord; it's cosy, exciting and loads of helpful stuff. 

So join us, bro! 

Psst, the guys will also be giving three whitelists for their upcoming sale to the three winners of the Battle of the Portfolios.


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter


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