Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #718, 28 March 2023

It's troubled times, my fren! Or Binance and CFTC story…


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today, in 1935, they banned radio advertisements on Sundays in Canada. Btw, this narrative can't be implemented nowadays. Why? 

Because the info shit is everywhere! It's around us. And, sadly, we are ready to eat it up every day. Example? A good one - a FUD machine against Binance and CZ. We'll cover it. Also, yesterday we prepared some amazing activities but postponed them due to highly toxic behaviour in crypto. That's why we cover the previous ones. Moreover, we'll cover the Coinbase stablecoin. 

Let's go! 


Binance… you are surrounded by regulators once again...

So, dear fren? Did your euphoria go away? Yeah, Arbitrum brought FOMO to us. But also, it got some hopium we can still earn in crypto. Btw, regulators decided to put our faces to fiat to let us feel the cold reality. 

Bloomberg stated CFTC sued Binance.


– CFTC states BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT, and BUSD as "commodities", so it means Binance breaks regulations rules

*A funny fact: SEC states crypto is security. Guys, are you battling each other, too, with your whoopie sticks? Who has a longer one? Sorry for the vulgar joke, but it can't be described in other ways*

– Moreover, CFTC accused CZ of controlling dozens of organisations which run Binance. Like, the democracy in documents, the authority in real life 

– Binance…supported "illegal activity."

– And some other strange accusations 

– CZ answered that for two years, Binance was partnering with CFTC, and this lawsuit is "unexpected and disappointing."

So what? 

Lol, the EMPIRE (FTX) strikes back? Or what? Btw, do you remember about curvy man SAM, guys?...

We suppose Binance US will be closed. Also, this stage can be the initial one in the crypto battle.

Do not panic, and do not store your crypto all in one place to avoid negative scenarios. Break a leg and take care! We still watch. 


Coinbase wanna create ideal stablecoin! 

– Hacker returned 90 million to Euler

– Coinbase wants to create "flatcoins" on its Base layer


CZ gives signs 



Previous week activities (again) 

– Use Orbiter to swap your airdrop to grab a new airdrop (airrdropps for airdrop) 

– AntiMatter B2: Binance will bring some airdrops?  




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