Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #843, 10 October 2023

BLUR: getting rich again....


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today is a mental health day. What do we say to the doctors who try to take us away from chats to mental institutions???? OOGA-BUGA =)))   

Projects’ News: 

- Blur, the NFT marketplace and OpenSea's main opponent, is launching the second season of airdrop on November 20th. We're waiting :) 

- De.Fi is stirring up hype by calling October 10th (today) a great day. Something will happen in 5 hours... 

- Arbitrum will continue the second week of the Odyssey on October 16th, when it will be safer for users to go through it. This is not some kind of Odyssey, but Gogol's Dead Souls, the second volume of which he burned. Recall that a year ago, Arbitrum's Odyssey was stuck in its second week. Give it a push! 

Btw… maybe we shouldn't bother. Just make an airdrop to everyone and that's it...? A sign from skies, maybe... 

- SWELL is flexing with an Arbitrum picture. Same as with BLUR, and De.Fi - announcement of
announcement of announcement of announcement.


- Crypto Twitter influencer rektdiomedes decided to mock those who "capitulated", that is, those who lost faith in crypto. He compared the fall of Bitcoin and U.S. bonds (securities, simply put) over the period from March 2022. 

$BTC -32.23% 

$TLT -36.16%.

Yes, bitcoin has fallen less. Of course, some economists can give many arguments against it, but we will not listen to them, right? :) 

Now we can get to work, have a great day! 






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