Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #846, 13 October 2023

Is the Era of Arbitrum Upon Us? People Have Made Their Choice!


Hey, Moni Maker! 👾

Today is Friday the 13th. According to folklore, this time sees increased activity from various demons and evil spirits. Hm! And today, the SEC must issue its decision on the approval/disapproval of BTC-ETF of Grayscale... just a coincidence? :)

Project News:

- Arbitrum Voting has concluded for projects that should receive grants according to the esteemed DAO's opinion. Here's what we have:

- 29 projects will receive 49.6 million $ARB

- Perps will receive 44% of the grant, DEXs 15%

- List is here

- Many projects can also be explored through the Arbitrum Adventure by Trader Joe, which has relaunched. It's a contest with a $50,000 prize. The campaign runs until October 30th. It's on Galxe, which was recently hacked, and they promised to compensate for losses plus an additional 10%.

- We also recommend waiting for the Arbitrum Festival - it starts on October 16th. There will be gas refunds for using Arbitrum, higher APR for Radiant and GMX, and Galxe campaigns. In short, we'll keep you informed.

- Avantis, one of the 6 BASE investment projects, reminds about its testnet. If you filled out the form, check your email. If you haven't filled it out, do so."


A good thread about 9-5 job

Sorry, Tate


SEC is leavinnnnnnnng!! 


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Another Stuff