Today, in 2008 Android OS was presented. After 12 years it is difficult to imagine the modern world without this mobile operating system - with its help people do absolutely everything. It is hard not to draw an analogy with the cryptocurrencies, and though Bitcoin, fighting to become the ultimate money will need more time to reach the cherished mass adoption, many cryptocurrencies are already sitting tight on certain positions today. The main thing is to have time to hop on this runaway train!
Let’s go!
Let's take a look at the report of Delphi Digital analytics company. Okay, you don't have to do it, we'll tell you briefly :)
Analysts say that in 2020 BTC growth is more stable than it was in 2019. This year, the wallets’ balances of exchanges continued to fall, despite the rise of Bitcoin.
Well, as the wallets’ balance were falling, traders and investors were selling BTC, hence less influence on its price.
Chaos has overtaken the world, people are going crazy... but Bitcoin is so calm and spontaneous. Watch Bitcoin’s chart for 10 minutes every morning and you’ll catch the Zen!
We decided to conduct a public experiment: our team collected $850 and set a goal to buy a Tesla ($80k) investing in crypto.
We already lost $87 on DHT 😓 And bought $200 worth of BTC.
We will trade on Binance, Uniswap and some other exchanges.
Will we be able to double our deposit? Or will we fail?
Subscribe! You can also discuss it in our chat 😜
Scoot over, Dave Portnoy!
Nothing to add. :D
Tyler Winklevoss, co-founder of Gemini, says Bitcoin is the best asset. Actually, he just keeps repeating it.
We're not lying, here's a tweet. What's your proof, Tyler?
A) BTC is much easier to store, share and move, and harder to forge than gold.
B) Because of the limited emission, the BTC deficit will increase. This will lead to a long-term increase in the price of the asset.
Sit down, Tyler, A+!
Also Bitcoin offers more opportunities than gold. Soon, oil will be replaced by solar energy, the only question is when.
We will finish our digest with one more report.
Who? Evertas company specializes in crypto insurance.
What? A report according to which institutional investors plan to pay more attention to cryptocurrency in the next five years.
How? The company has interviewed investors who control assets worth about $78.4 billion. 64% of them expect a slight increase in investment in BTC and other cryptocurrencies. 26% of respondents predict a "sharp" increase in investment in cryptocurrencies over the next five years. It turns out that 90% of respondents plan to increase investments in crypto.
Bitcoin 4 Life.
Yes, crypto is a 5-10-15 years- life-long investment. Thanks, you finally got it.
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