News22 February 2023

Major gaming company Ubisoft continues its Web3 project in Sandbox


Classical gaming giants don't give up trying to get their piece of the Web3 gaming pie.

Ubisoft was the first major game publisher to release in-game NFTs in Ghost Recon Breakpoint in December 2021. And although gamers received this initiative coolly, the company continues to take steps in the world of Web3.

Ubisoft wants to release 2,066 Rabbids NFTs on Polygon. Each NFT costs 100 SAND, which is approximately $78 at the moment.

The mint will be dedicated to 2023, as this year is the year of the rabbit, and the NFTs will have a different design in their guise, which will be presented to buyers this Friday.

Then, on February 28, The Sandbox will launch the Rabbids game world as part of the current open alpha testing, in which a limited number of players participate. Avatars are called "keys to future utilities" in The Sandbox, including access to potential future drops.

In short, it seems like a good thing, but remember, always DYOR!

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