EDITION #1088, 07 NovemberBULLISH VIBES!SWELL today
a) Stables - UST, USDC, MIM. To buy back the bottom ( and get two more as a gift)
b) Blue chips - BTC, ETH, Luna, Avax. Mum's friend's son's tokens
(c) So-so - OSMO, SCRT, FXS. Neither here nor there, just like you at school.
d) High risk - Jewel, LQDR. For desperate homemakers and maximum profits.
Tactics to follow:
a) Mum's maximalist - BTC/ETH fifti-fifti.
b) Neither us nor you - 50% high risk, 25% BTC, 25% stables.
c) Neither us nor you maximalist style - 50% BTC/ETH, 25% low risk, 25% medium risk/shields.
d) Maximalist - BTC for everything, alts = shit
Food for DYOR for a whole week, make yourself useful at last and check your shitcoin bags.