News19 October 2022

Dapper cryptocurrency wallet allowed to withdraw some NFTs of Russian users under sanctions


Today, a popular cryptocurrency wallet sent out emails explaining the bans of accounts that may have belonged to Russian users.

The message's text sounds like shifting responsibility for the mass bans to Circle. Say, "it was not us at all. We were forced to do it. It was Circle. We couldn't just ignore it". Well, the letter itself looks like this:

"We know this is hard news for affected community members, so we're working to provide support to the maximum extent allowed by law and to find solutions for account holders. This includes creating alternative NFT storage solutions to enable our customers to transfer their NFTs from the Dapper platform. Starting today, we're allowing users to withdraw their NFT NBA Top Shot, NFL All DAY, and UFC Strike from their Dapper wallet to their Blocto wallet."

That is, they allow you to withdraw some NFTs from their service. So if you, a Gem City resident, are in the risk group, so better get your JPEGS out.


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