News06 July 2022

MakerDAO Bank


DeFi is good, but there are finances where it's fun too, and there's so much money that this DeFi cries looking at it. So maybe it's time to step outside the crypto box?

Having decided as well, MakerDAO didn't overthink, so 83% of the community voted to create a $100,000,000,000 DAI vault for Huntingdon Valley Bank (HVB) as part of a new type of pledge in the Maker protocol. Essentially, this will allow the protocol to start making real loans to borrowers through a fully supported traditional institution that meets the bank's standards.

And in this way, it will be able to fix why traditional finance doesn't like crypto (according to Arthur "Crypto Vanga" Hayes), namely the lack of understanding of how to make money from it.

Moni Education:

MakerDAO has its token, MKR, which is used to vote on decisions made by MakerDAO. This means that the more MKR you have, the more influence you can have on MakerDAO decisions.

MakerDAO discussions take place in the forums and are open to everyone, even those who don't own an MKR. You don't need an MKR to participate in discussions. You need MKR to vote on topics discussed on the forum. 

Many blockchain-based projects, such as MakerDAO, have tried and successfully implemented governance mechanisms. This way, they can manage their projects in a decentralised way.


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