News06 October 2022

Crypto ATMs a popular target for cryptocurrency fraudsters to withdraw funds - FBI


The Federal Bureau of Investigation of the States has stated that ATMs that dispense crypto have greatly gained popularity as a means of withdrawing cryptocurrency from crypto scams.

Along with conventional payment methods such as bank transfers and prepaid cards, crypto ATMs are also becoming a prominent tool for crypto-investment scammers. Well, now crypto skeptics have something to discuss for the coming months :D.

This information was released on Oct. 3 as part of a public warning about "pig-splitting scams," where scammers impersonate long-lost friends or potential romantic partners to lure money from victims.

So when a longtime friend texts in the middle of the night that he needs money urgently, you better think twice and call him. For even the FBI is already warning you about it.

The FBI has urged people to "verify the validity of any investment opportunity" offered by such people, to watch out for domain names pretending to be legitimate exchanges and misspelled URLs, and not to download any applications unless their legitimacy can be verified.

According to Coin ATM Radar, there are nearly 33,500 cryptocurrency ATMs in the U.S., with the U.S. accounting for 87.4 percent of the world's crypto ATMs.


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