News04 October 2022

"Bitcoin has while the dollar has fallen, this proves its financial security" - Robert Kiyosaki strengthened


Bitcoin defied the declining trend of major currencies such as the British pound sterling and the Chinese yuan, posting a 6.5 percent gain. The bitcoin is approaching $20,000.

Financial instability has devastated global markets. And while bitcoin has, for the most part, reacted to economic fluctuations, its surprising rise over the past week has stunned many traders and highlighted volatile times.

Over the weekend, Kiyosaki tweeted to his 2.1 million followers that "the British pound sterling died this week" after it, that is, the pound, fell sharply against other currencies, and the Bank of England (BOE) took emergency bond-buying measures to calm agitated markets.

"Will the U.S. dollar follow the English pound? I believe it will. I believe the U.S. dollar will collapse by January 2023 after the Fed makes a turnaround," Robert said.

Kiyosaki's latest stance on the U.S. dollar comes after he warned that global markets would likely undergo a "catastrophic collapse" and that investors should put more money into cryptocurrencies.

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