News02 September 2022

Venture fund a16z is developing an NFT licensing system available to all


A fund from Silicon Valley announced the development of a whole licensing system for NFT projects. This license will allow authors to protect intellectual rights and, at the same time, make them available to anyone.

Hype Foundation plans to release a set of completely free and public licenses called "Can't be Evil."

This license is designed to make NFT inclusive and their protection available to everyone. The creators were inspired by Creative Commons, whose mission is to enable digital art creation and make it easier to protect.

If you believe the statement, the licenses can provide the rights of the authors and even the NFT holders on the principle of "irrevocable, easy to understand, and easy to implement."

It makes sense now to lay the groundwork for the boundaries of NFT regulation. So that they retain their original vocation but also fit into the intellectual property regulatory framework.

And by the way, if you want to stay on top of NFTs, read our digests tagged #WTFisNFT


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