News30 August 2022

"The FED's War Against Inflation Is Killing Bitcoin" - Bitfury CEO


Bitfury's CEO is convinced that the Federal Reserve's war over inflation is crashing prices, including bitcoin.

According to the BitFury CEO, traders, especially with experience, do not perceive bitcoin as a tool to protect against inflation during the FED's brutal policies.

Because of this, Bitcoin's price often doesn't fluctuate much from the excitement of the fiat market. So u can't expect a high bitcoin price until it becomes a tool to protect against inflation if u believe what Brian Brooks says.

More recently, he has been trolling the SEC, saying that such an organization should get more severe & develop guidelines for the crypto industry rather than go to court at the slightest problem due to hopelessness.

"Regulation does not mean suing people, and the approach the SEC has had for the last couple of years has been to not tell anybody what the rules are in advance but to sue people after they've launched a project, started a company, or listed a token, and then caused people to infer what the rules were later. That's not a good thing, and so at some point, congress and the regulators need to get serious about telling people, 'what is the speed limit on the crypto highway?'"  Brooks explained the move.

The only thing that can be said with a hundred per cent certainty right now is the SEC's job, not as a regulator, but as a repressing agency, at least in the crypto arena.


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