News12 September 2022

Quentin Tarantino has resolved the situation with the lawsuit from Miramax film studio


It started a year ago when Quentin decided to sell unused footage from the movie "Pulp Fiction" as NFT.

First, it's worth remembering what caused such events to break out. Last November, blockchain provider Secret Network announced an auction of its "unedited scenes from the script." Right after that, Miramax sued the director.

And not unreasonably, because the company owns all the rights to Pulp Fiction, with the exception of those reserved for Tarantino, and this directly precluded the sale of the NFT with the scenes.

Despite the lengthy legal battle, it has come to light that the company will withdraw its claims within two weeks. Sounds cool because, in fact, it all started over something as petty and innocuous as "we made it up, how dare you." 

There's also word that Miramax will partner with Quentin in the future, including projects based on NFT, well, or a mint of their own NFT. So we wait to see Vincent Vega's legendary dance on the Ethereum blockchain :D. 


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