News11 October 2022

Google will accept cloud payments through Coinbase


The two giants of their fields have agreed to accept cloud payments through Coinbase. They have also decided to use Google's cryptocurrency exchange infrastructure.

The deal announced at the Google Cloud Next conference could successfully attract cutting-edge companies to Google in a challenging, fast-growing market where Google's leading competitors are currently not allowing customers to pay with digital currencies.

Perhaps Google has realized that over time, priority will go to those who present technological innovations, so they have decided to move away from the marketing business and move to something else that could keep them safe from dependence on one niche.

The cloud business helps diversify Google's parent company, Alphabet, away from advertising. It now accounts for 9 percent of revenue, up from less than 6 percent three years ago, as it is growing faster than Alphabet.

The Google Cloud Platform infrastructure service will initially accept cryptocurrency payments from several Web3 customers who want to pay in cryptocurrency through integration with Coinbase Commerce, Amit Zaveri, vice president, general manager, and head of Google Platform, told CNBC. 

What's pretty funny is that Google's head of cloud, Thomas Kurian, was previously pushing for growth in big industries like media and retail. 

And this year, we've all heard about creating teams to grow the blockchain business and develop tools that third-party developers can use to run web3 apps.

Google is accepting cryptocurrency! And if you want to buy or exchange crypto, contact our manager at Ram's - click. 


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